Johan's blog

Saturday, September 16, 2006

A day in Alghero

The photos that I took today:
(09:47) Hard work in Alghero visiting island Sardinia (Sardegna airport) (10:19) Nr 1 point of interest visiting island Elba (10:33) Nr 1 point of interest visiting island Elba (10:45) Leaving in Alghero visiting island Sardinia (Sardegna airport) (13:06) Leaving in Lazio
The max of speed that I had today: 939.5. The cities that I visited today: Alghero (2.5h), Enschede (1.1h), Lazio (2.4h), Villanova Monteleone (0.7h), Terschuur (1.0h), Sardinia (0.8h). The drinks that I drank today: nothing (1x), fruit drink (1x). The places that I stayed in today: Sardegna airport (2.2h). The buddies that I met today: Luther (0.7h), Esko Kurvinen (3.2h).


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